Appointments at Pollokshaws Medical Centre

As you may have noticed the practice is continuing to work differently than it did pre-Covid. Due to increasing demands it is impossible to return to the appointment system we had prior to the pandemic.

Online Request Form

Available Monday to Friday, between 8:00am – 4.00pm and closed during holidays.

Please note: Submitted forms are only viewed and processed during normal GP working hours. Forms submitted over the weekend and on bank holidays will not be seen by our team until the next working day.

eConsultation Form

Want to see online advice?

See advice and guidance on conditions, symptoms and treatments NHS Inform.

First make sure this is not an emergency

DO NOT use this form for any medical emergencies, as your request will not be seen immediately.

Important: Are you currently experiencing any of the following?

  • Signs of a heart attack – pain like a very tight band, heavy weight or squeezing in the centre of your chest or any pain that moves into your jaw or neck
  • Signs of a stroke – face drooping on one side, can’t hold both arms up, difficulty speaking, or weakness or numbness on one side of your body
  • Severe difficulty breathing – gasping, not being able to get words out, choking or lips turning blue
  • Heavy bleeding that won’t stop – uncontrollable bleeding from any part of your body
  • Severe injuries – including deep cuts after a serious accident
  • Poisoning – you have swallowed something you should not have (medicines, batteries, household chemicals
  • Seizure (fit) – someone is shaking or jerking because of a fit, or is unconscious (can’t be woken up)
  • Sudden, rapid swelling – of the eyes, lips, mouth, throat or tongue
Do you have any of the above symptoms? *
Please confirm you are a registered patient of this Practice
Do you have any COVID symptoms?